December 29, 2011


I have had a recent obsession with, you guessed it, BUTTONS! I see them everywhere: clothes, jackets, sweaters, and really neat crafty things. This obsession has made me look for them, which is why I see them. But I had no idea how hard it would be to find them for bulk purchasing until I actually needed them. I looked high and low at thrift stores and such hoping to score some really neat ones. I found some at a vintage place (score!) but they were 5 for a $1 (holy cow that’s expensive!). I can buy them new for that price. So I bought a few but not nearly enough. My friend found some at another antique store but I never made it there to get them. These were like a pound for $20; did I really want to invest that much in buttons?

Then I was shopping at my local craft store and found a box of buttons!!! Who would have thunk it?!?! I always headed straight to the button isle and really only saw the ones on the cardboard.

So I was waiting in the check out line with a cart full of yarn and other assorted crafty items and found this, just hang there, in the impulse buy section:

And they got me again, another impulse buy: BUTTONS!

Look at all the pretty colors! So what to do with all the pretty colored buttons?

That brings me to my next story.

I found these awesome lamps at Ikea with the idea that they were the perfect blank slate to do some, well, crafty with. They were white, simple, and the perfect blank canvas. That was 7 years ago...
This was the time that the make over shows were in full swing. You know which ones I'm taking about; the one where the friends go to each other's houses and redo a room in their friends house? Some times they go good, some times they go bad; but they were always really fun to watch and get really good ideas from. Anyway, I figured I would do something like paint these lamps, or cover them, or something inspired from the show. But never found anything that I really liked that didn't go beyond my skill level.

A few weeks ago, I saw an idea that had me going "Finely, something to do with those lamps!"

And my obsession with buttons began

A journey begins with a single button...
I used a hot glue gun to attach buttons at random. I haven't used a hot glue gun in years mainly because the one I had sucked. But my dad gave me a box of random tools (to help with future crafty things) and in it was a new hot glue gun. I forgot a few things about hot glue guns in the absence of not using them. First, they are HOT! Holy cow hot. My daughter bumped me while I was doing this and I touched it; my finger still hurts. The glue is really hot too. Buttons have little escape holes perfect for molten glue to sneak up and touch your finger tip. Second, hot glue in stringy. Glue strings everywhere! Like durable little spider webs that spread and get everywhere. So use caution.

Should I do the top?

All done.

I started the one on my husband's side but ran out of buttons. Guess I need more buttons!!!!

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